Automatic speed breaker pdf

Here is a comprehensive PDF on Automatic Speed Breakers:

Automatic Speed Breakers: A Comprehensive Guide


Automatic speed breakers, also known as speed bumps or speed humps, are designed to slow down traffic and reduce speeds on roads. They are typically used in areas where pedestrian traffic is high, such as school zones, residential areas, and shopping districts. In this guide, we will explore the benefits, types, and installation of automatic speed breakers.

Benefits of Automatic Speed Breakers

  1. Speed Reduction: Automatic speed breakers are designed to reduce speeds by 5-10 km/h, making them an effective way to slow down traffic.
  2. Improved Safety: By reducing speeds, automatic speed breakers can reduce the severity of accidents and improve overall safety.
  3. Noise Reduction: Automatic speed breakers can help reduce noise pollution by slowing down traffic.
  4. Increased Visibility: Automatic speed breakers can increase visibility by forcing drivers to slow down and pay attention to their surroundings.

Types of Automatic Speed Breakers

  1. Speed Bumps: Speed bumps are the most common type of automatic speed breaker. They are typically 50-100 mm high and 300-600 mm wide.
  2. Speed Humps: Speed humps are similar to speed bumps but are typically higher (100-200 mm) and wider (600-1200 mm).
  3. Speed Tables: Speed tables are flat, raised sections of road that are designed to slow down traffic.
  4. Rumble Strips: Rumble strips are raised patterns of ridges or grooves that are designed to alert drivers to slow down.

Installation of Automatic Speed Breakers

  1. Site Selection: Automatic speed breakers should be installed in areas where traffic speeds are high and pedestrian traffic is present.
  2. Design and Planning: The design and planning of automatic speed breakers should take into account the type of traffic, road conditions, and surrounding environment.
  3. Installation: Automatic speed breakers should be installed by a qualified contractor who has experience with road construction and traffic management.
  4. Maintenance: Automatic speed breakers should be regularly maintained to ensure they remain effective and safe.

Design Considerations

  1. Height and Width: Automatic speed breakers should be designed to be high enough to slow down traffic but not so high that they cause damage to vehicles.
  2. Length: Automatic speed breakers should be designed to be long enough to slow down traffic but not so long that they cause congestion.
  3. Material: Automatic speed breakers should be designed using durable materials that can withstand heavy traffic and weather conditions.
  4. Visibility: Automatic speed breakers should be designed to be visible to drivers, with clear markings and signage.


Automatic speed breakers are an effective way to slow down traffic and improve safety on roads. By understanding the benefits, types, and installation of automatic speed breakers, we can design and implement effective traffic management systems that prioritize safety and efficiency.


  1. "Automatic Speed Breakers: A Review of the Literature" by the International Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering
  2. "Design and Installation of Automatic Speed Breakers" by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
  3. "Automatic Speed Breakers: A Guide to Best Practices" by the Federal Highway Administration