Automatic news ticker for blogger

Here are a few options for an automatic news ticker for your Blogger blog:

  1. News Ticker Widget: This is a popular widget that can be added to your Blogger blog. It displays a scrolling news ticker with the latest news headlines from various sources. You can customize the widget to display news from specific categories or sources.

How to add:

  1. RSS Ticker: This is another popular option that displays a scrolling ticker with the latest news headlines from an RSS feed. You can add an RSS feed from a news source or create your own feed.

How to add:

  1. Google News: You can add a Google News gadget to your Blogger blog, which displays the latest news headlines from various sources. You can customize the gadget to display news from specific categories or sources.

How to add:

  1. Widgetbox: Widgetbox is a popular platform that offers a range of widgets, including a news ticker. You can add a news ticker widget to your Blogger blog and customize it to your liking.

How to add:

  1. Custom Code: If you're comfortable with coding, you can add a custom news ticker to your Blogger blog using JavaScript. There are many tutorials available online that can guide you through the process.

How to add:

Remember to always check the terms of service for any widget or gadget you add to your Blogger blog to ensure that it complies with Blogger's policies.