Autocomplete new google maps places autocomplete

The Google Maps Places Autocomplete API!

The Google Maps Places Autocomplete API is a powerful tool that allows you to provide a user-friendly search interface for your users to find places on a map. It's a great way to enable your users to quickly and easily find locations, such as addresses, cities, landmarks, and more.

Here's a brief overview of how it works:

How it works:

  1. Your application sends a request to the Google Maps Places Autocomplete API with a search query (e.g., "New York").
  2. The API returns a list of suggested places that match the search query, along with their corresponding geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude).
  3. Your application can then display the suggested places on a map, allowing the user to select the desired location.

API Request:

To use the Google Maps Places Autocomplete API, you'll need to make a GET request to the following URL:

Here are the required parameters:

Here's an example API request:


The API response will be in JSON format and will contain an array of suggested places, along with their corresponding geographic coordinates. Each suggested place will have the following properties:

Here's an example response:

  "predictions": [
      "description": "New York, NY, USA",
      "place_id": "ChIJj61dQgK6j4AR4rFhL6DhMAU",
      "geometry": {
        "location": {
          "lat": 40.7128,
          "lng": -74.0060
      "name": "New York"
      "description": "New York City, NY, USA",
      "place_id": "ChIJw1od3fK6j4AR4rFhL6DhMAU",
      "geometry": {
        "location": {
          "lat": 40.7128,
          "lng": -74.0060
      "name": "New York City"

Getting Started:

To get started with the Google Maps Places Autocomplete API, you'll need to:

  1. Create a project in the Google Cloud Console.
  2. Enable the Google Maps JavaScript API and the Google Places API Web Service.
  3. Create a new API key and enable the Places API Autocomplete.
  4. Use the API key to make requests to the API.

You can find more information on the Google Maps Places Autocomplete API, including usage limits and pricing, in the official documentation: