Auto parts new york times

Here are some recent articles from the New York Times related to auto parts:

  1. "Auto Parts Makers Face a New Reality: Fewer Cars to Make" (March 2023)

The article discusses how the shift towards electric vehicles and autonomous driving is affecting the auto parts industry, with many manufacturers struggling to adapt to the changing landscape.

  1. "The Great Battery Squeeze: How a Global Shortage of Auto Parts Is Affecting Car Makers" (February 2023)

This article explores the global shortage of auto parts, particularly batteries, and how it is impacting car manufacturers and consumers.

  1. "As Electric Cars Gain Popularity, Auto Parts Suppliers Scramble to Keep Up" (January 2023)

The article highlights the challenges faced by auto parts suppliers as they try to adapt to the growing demand for electric vehicle parts, including batteries, motors, and charging systems.

  1. "The Rise of the 'Platform' in the Auto Industry: What It Means for Car Makers and Suppliers" (December 2022)

This article discusses the trend of car manufacturers using "platforms" - shared architectures and components - to reduce costs and increase efficiency, and how this is affecting the auto parts industry.

  1. "The Future of the Auto Parts Industry: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities" (November 2022)

The article provides an overview of the current state of the auto parts industry, including trends such as electrification, autonomous driving, and the rise of e-commerce, as well as challenges and opportunities facing suppliers.

  1. "Auto Parts Makers Are Racing to Develop New Technologies for Electric Vehicles" (October 2022)

This article highlights the efforts of auto parts manufacturers to develop new technologies and components for electric vehicles, including advanced battery management systems and high-performance electric motors.

  1. "The Impact of Tariffs on the Auto Parts Industry: A Growing Concern" (September 2022)

The article discusses the effects of tariffs on the auto parts industry, including increased costs, reduced demand, and potential job losses.

  1. "The Rise of the 'Digital Twin' in the Auto Industry: What It Means for Car Makers and Suppliers" (August 2022)

This article explores the trend of using digital twins - virtual replicas of physical systems - in the auto industry, and how it is changing the way car makers and suppliers design, test, and manufacture vehicles.

  1. "The Future of Autonomous Driving: Opportunities and Challenges for the Auto Parts Industry" (July 2022)

The article discusses the potential opportunities and challenges facing the auto parts industry as autonomous driving technology continues to evolve, including the need for new sensors, software, and other components.

  1. "The Impact of the Pandemic on the Auto Parts Industry: A Year in Review" (June 2022)

This article reflects on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the auto parts industry, including supply chain disruptions, reduced demand, and changes in consumer behavior.

I hope you find these articles informative and interesting!