Auto insurance news articles

Here are some recent auto insurance news articles:

  1. Rising Car Insurance Rates: A Growing Concern for Consumers (Insurance Journal, March 2023)

The article discusses the increasing trend of car insurance rates in the United States, with some states experiencing rate hikes of up to 20%. The reasons behind the rise include increased claims, higher medical costs, and changes in state regulations.

  1. Tesla's Autopilot System May Not Be as Safe as Advertised, Study Finds (The Verge, February 2023)

A study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) found that Tesla's Autopilot system may not be as effective in preventing accidents as the company claims. The study analyzed data from 2014 to 2020 and found that Autopilot-equipped vehicles were involved in more accidents than non-Autopilot vehicles.

  1. California Passes Law Requiring Autonomous Vehicle Insurance (Insurance Business America, January 2023)

California has become the first state to require insurance for autonomous vehicles. The new law, which takes effect in 2024, will require autonomous vehicle manufacturers to obtain insurance coverage for their vehicles, which will help protect consumers in the event of an accident.

  1. Ridesharing Insurance: A Growing Concern for Insurers (Risk & Insurance, December 2022)

The article discusses the challenges faced by insurers in providing coverage for ridesharing services such as Uber and Lyft. The increasing popularity of these services has led to a rise in claims, which has put pressure on insurers to develop new policies and pricing models.

  1. Electric Vehicles May Be More Expensive to Insure (Car and Driver, November 2022)

A study by the Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) found that electric vehicles (EVs) may be more expensive to insure than traditional gasoline-powered vehicles. The study analyzed data from 2017 to 2021 and found that EVs were involved in more accidents and had higher repair costs, which could lead to higher insurance premiums.

  1. Insurers Face Challenges in Adapting to Autonomous Vehicles (Insurance Journal, October 2022)

The article discusses the challenges faced by insurers in adapting to the rise of autonomous vehicles. Insurers are struggling to develop new policies and pricing models that take into account the unique risks associated with autonomous vehicles, such as software glitches and cybersecurity threats.

  1. Telematics Data May Help Insurers Reduce Claims (Insurance Business America, September 2022)

A study by the Insurance Information Institute (III) found that telematics data, which tracks driver behavior and vehicle usage, may help insurers reduce claims. The study analyzed data from 2015 to 2020 and found that telematics data can help insurers identify high-risk drivers and provide targeted interventions to reduce accidents.

  1. Insurers Warn of Rising Costs Due to Climate Change (Risk & Insurance, August 2022)

The article discusses the impact of climate change on the insurance industry. Insurers are warning of rising costs due to increased frequency and severity of natural disasters, such as hurricanes and wildfires, which are expected to continue to affect the industry in the coming years.

  1. New Car Insurance Rating System May Favor Older Drivers (Insurance Journal, July 2022)

A new car insurance rating system in California may favor older drivers, according to a study by the California Department of Insurance. The study found that the new system, which takes into account a driver's age, driving record, and credit score, may result in lower premiums for older drivers and higher premiums for younger drivers.

  1. Insurers Face Challenges in Providing Coverage for Electric Scooters (Insurance Business America, June 2022)

The article discusses the challenges faced by insurers in providing coverage for electric scooters. The rise of electric scooters has led to an increase in accidents and claims, which has put pressure on insurers to develop new policies and pricing models.