Author newsbreakerspublisher page 1810

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Based on your input, I'm assuming you're looking for information about newsbreakers, authors, and publishers from around 1810. Here's what I found:


In the early 19th century, newsbreakers were individuals who gathered and disseminated news to the public. They often worked for newspapers, magazines, or as independent journalists. Some notable newsbreakers from around 1810 include:

  1. James Gordon Bennett (1795-1872): An American journalist and founder of the New York Herald, which was one of the most popular newspapers in the United States during the 19th century.
  2. Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881): A Scottish historian and journalist who wrote for various publications, including the Edinburgh Review and the London Magazine.


1810 was a significant year for literature, with many notable authors publishing their works. Some notable authors from around this time include:

  1. Jane Austen (1775-1817): An English novelist known for her works such as "Pride and Prejudice" (1813) and "Sense and Sensibility" (1811).
  2. Mary Shelley (1797-1851): An English novelist and author of the Gothic novel "Frankenstein" (1818).
  3. Walter Scott (1771-1832): A Scottish novelist and poet, known for his historical novels such as "Waverley" (1814) and "Ivanhoe" (1820).


In the early 19th century, publishing was a rapidly growing industry. Some notable publishers from around 1810 include:

  1. John Murray (1778-1843): A British publisher who founded the publishing house John Murray in 1796. He published works by authors such as Lord Byron, Jane Austen, and Walter Scott.
  2. Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green: A British publishing house that was founded in 1790 and published works by authors such as Mary Shelley and Jane Austen.

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and there may be other notable newsbreakers, authors, and publishers from around 1810 who are not mentioned here.