Author newsbreakerspublisher

Here are some notable authors who have broken news or made significant contributions to their respective fields:

  1. Edward Snowden (author of "Permanent Record"): A former CIA employee and NSA contractor, Snowden revealed widespread surveillance by the US government, sparking a global debate on privacy and civil liberties.
  2. Glenn Greenwald (author of "No Place to Hide"): A journalist and lawyer, Greenwald was one of the first to report on the Snowden leaks, exposing the extent of government surveillance.
  3. Julian Assange (author of "Cyberpower"): The founder of WikiLeaks, Assange has published numerous classified documents, including the Iraq War Logs and the US State Department cables, revealing government secrets and corruption.
  4. Daniel Ellsberg (author of "Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers"): A former US military analyst, Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers, a secret study on the Vietnam War, which revealed the government's deception about the war's progress.
  5. Rachel Maddow (author of "Drift: The Unmooring of American Military Power"): A journalist and author, Maddow has reported on various government scandals, including the NSA surveillance program and the Iraq War.
  6. Jeremy Scahill (author of "Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army"): A journalist and author, Scahill has exposed the activities of private military contractors, including Blackwater, and the US government's use of mercenaries in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  7. Laura Poitras (author of "Astro Noise: A Survival Guide for Art and Politics"): A filmmaker and journalist, Poitras has produced documentaries on government surveillance and whistleblowers, including "Citizenfour," which profiled Edward Snowden.
  8. James Risen (author of "State of War: The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration"): A journalist and author, Risen has reported on government secrets and scandals, including the CIA's use of torture and the NSA's surveillance program.
  9. Seymour Hersh (author of "Chain of Command: The Road from 9/11 to Abu Ghraib"): A journalist and author, Hersh has exposed government secrets and scandals, including the Abu Ghraib prison abuse and the CIA's use of torture.
  10. Michael Isikoff (author of "Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin's War on America and the Election of Donald Trump"): A journalist and author, Isikoff has reported on government scandals, including the Trump-Russia investigation and the Mueller Report.

These individuals have made significant contributions to journalism and have broken important news stories, often at great personal risk.