Austria rejects far right candidate norbert hofer in presidential election

You're referring to the 2016 Austrian presidential election!

Yes, that's correct. Norbert Hofer, a candidate from the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ), a far-right party, lost the presidential election to Alexander Van der Bellen, an independent candidate backed by the Green Party.

The election was held on December 4, 2016, and was a runoff between Hofer and Van der Bellen, who had finished first and second in the first round of voting on April 24, 2016. Hofer, a former vice-chancellor of Austria, had gained popularity among some Austrians due to his anti-immigration stance and criticism of the European Union.

However, Van der Bellen, a former leader of the Green Party, campaigned on a platform of promoting social justice, environmental protection, and European integration. He won the election with 53.3% of the vote, while Hofer received 46.7%.

The outcome was seen as a significant setback for the far-right movement in Austria and Europe, as Hofer's victory would have marked the first time a far-right candidate had been elected to the Austrian presidency. Instead, the election result was seen as a victory for centrist and liberal forces in Austria.

It's worth noting that the FPÖ has a long history of anti-Semitic and xenophobic rhetoric, and Hofer's candidacy was criticized by many for his association with these views. The election result was seen as a rejection of these ideologies and a reaffirmation of Austria's commitment to democratic values and human rights.