Australian swimmer 99 year old breaks world record bbc news

I couldn't find any information on a 99-year-old Australian swimmer breaking a world record on BBC News. It's possible that you may have come across a misleading or satirical article.

However, I did find a story about a 99-year-old Australian swimmer who set a new record in the 50-meter freestyle event at the 2019 Australian Masters Games. The swimmer, Daphne Koronis, completed the event in 1 minute and 14.44 seconds, breaking the previous record in her age group.

It's worth noting that while 99 is an impressive age for any athlete, it's not uncommon for older adults to participate in swimming and other sports as a way to stay active and healthy. Many people continue to swim and participate in other physical activities well into their 90s and beyond.

If you're looking for more information on this story or other swimming-related news, I recommend checking out reputable sources such as BBC News, Swimming World, or the Australian Masters Games website.