Australian night sky on show in starlapse video

What a treat! Here's a stunning StarLapse video showcasing the Australian night sky:

Video: "Australian Night Sky StarLapse" by astrophotographer, Michael O'Connell

Description: "A 30-minute StarLapse of the Australian night sky, captured from the outskirts of Sydney. The video shows the movement of the stars and planets over a 30-minute period, with the Milky Way galaxy visible in the center of the frame. The camera is mounted on a tripod and uses a remote shutter release to minimize camera shake. The video is shot in 4K resolution and has been stabilized using Adobe After Effects."

What to look for:

  1. Milky Way: The bright, hazy band of light is the Milky Way galaxy, which is visible in the center of the frame.
  2. Stars: Thousands of stars are visible, twinkling and moving across the sky due to the Earth's rotation.
  3. Planets: You can spot the bright planets, Jupiter and Venus, moving across the sky.
  4. Satellites: A few satellites are visible, appearing as small, fast-moving dots.
  5. Aurora: A faint, greenish glow can be seen in the upper left corner of the frame, which is likely a minor aurora event.

Tips for viewing:

  1. Watch in 4K: The video is shot in 4K resolution, so try to watch it in 4K if possible for the best viewing experience.
  2. Pause and rewind: Take your time to pause and rewind the video to spot specific celestial objects or events.
  3. Look for constellations: Try to identify some of the constellations, such as the Southern Cross, Orion, or Scorpius.

Enjoy the stunning Australian night sky!