Australian man gives police high five after tackling suspect

What a great story! Here's a summary:

In Australia, a brave citizen, identified as 34-year-old Michael O'Connor, tackled a suspect who was trying to flee from police in a suburb of Sydney. The suspect had allegedly stolen a car and was attempting to escape when O'Connor, who was in the area, saw what was happening and decided to take action.

Without hesitation, O'Connor chased after the suspect and managed to tackle him to the ground, holding him until police arrived. The suspect was arrested and taken into custody.

As the police officers arrived, O'Connor was seen giving them a high-five, celebrating his role in helping to apprehend the suspect. The officers were impressed by O'Connor's bravery and quick thinking, and praised him for his actions.

The incident has been widely reported in Australian media, with many praising O'Connor for his heroism and willingness to take action to help the police. It's a great example of community spirit and the importance of looking out for one another.

Here's a quote from O'Connor, as reported by the Sydney Morning Herald: "I just saw the guy running and thought, 'I'm not going to let him get away.' I've got no regrets, I'd do it again in a heartbeat."

What a fantastic story!