Australian immigration news for students

Here are some recent Australian immigration news updates that may be relevant to students:

1. Changes to Student Visa Requirements

In November 2020, the Australian government introduced new requirements for international students applying for a student visa. The changes include:

2. Streamlined Student Visa Processing

In October 2020, the Australian government announced a new streamlined student visa processing system, which aims to reduce processing times and make it easier for international students to apply for a visa. The new system uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to quickly assess applications and make decisions.

3. Increased Funding for International Education

In the 2020-2021 Australian federal budget, the government announced an increase in funding for international education, including a $12.5 million boost for the Study in Australia campaign. This aims to promote Australia as a study destination and attract more international students.

4. New Visa Options for International Students

In September 2020, the Australian government introduced new visa options for international students, including a new Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) and a new Post-Study Work visa (subclass 485). These visas allow international students to stay in Australia for longer periods after completing their studies and gain work experience.

5. Changes to English Language Requirements

In August 2020, the Australian government announced changes to the English language requirements for international students. The changes include:

6. Increased Focus on International Student Wellbeing

In recent years, there has been a growing focus on international student wellbeing in Australia. The government has introduced new initiatives to support international students, including a new student wellbeing framework and increased funding for student support services.

7. Changes to Student Visa Application Fees

In July 2020, the Australian government announced changes to the student visa application fees, which will increase by 10% from July 1, 2020. The new fees will apply to all student visa applications, including applications for student visas, temporary graduate visas, and post-study work visas.

8. New Requirements for International Student Accommodation

In June 2020, the Australian government introduced new requirements for international student accommodation, including a new requirement for providers to ensure that students have access to safe and suitable accommodation.

9. Increased Funding for International Education Research

In May 2020, the Australian government announced an increase in funding for international education research, which aims to improve our understanding of international student experiences and outcomes.

10. Changes to Student Visa Cancellation Rules

In April 2020, the Australian government introduced changes to the student visa cancellation rules, which aim to prevent international students from being unfairly cancelled from their visas. The changes include a new requirement for the Department of Home Affairs to consider the individual circumstances of each student before cancelling their visa.

These are just a few of the recent Australian immigration news updates that may be relevant to students. It's always a good idea to stay up-to-date with the latest news and changes to ensure that you have the most accurate and reliable information.