Australia visa news 2018

Here are some key updates on Australia visa news in 2018:

1. Changes to Temporary Skilled Migration Initiative (TSMI)

In January 2018, the Australian government introduced changes to the TSMI, which aimed to reduce the number of temporary skilled workers in the country. The changes included:

2. Introduction of the Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189)

In March 2018, the Australian government introduced the Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189), which replaced the previous Skilled Independent visa (subclass 175). The new visa has a points-based system and is designed to attract highly skilled workers who can contribute to the Australian economy.

3. Changes to the Temporary Work (Skilled) visa (subclass 457)

In April 2018, the Australian government introduced changes to the Temporary Work (Skilled) visa (subclass 457), which aimed to improve the integrity of the program. The changes included:

4. Introduction of the Global Talent Visa

In May 2018, the Australian government introduced the Global Talent Visa, which is designed to attract highly skilled workers in specific fields, such as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The visa has a points-based system and is designed to attract workers who can contribute to the Australian economy.

5. Changes to the Partner visa

In June 2018, the Australian government introduced changes to the Partner visa, which aimed to improve the integrity of the program. The changes included:

6. Introduction of the e-Visa system

In July 2018, the Australian government introduced an electronic visa system, which allows eligible travelers to apply for a visa online. The system is designed to streamline the visa application process and reduce processing times.

7. Changes to the Student visa

In August 2018, the Australian government introduced changes to the Student visa, which aimed to improve the integrity of the program. The changes included:

8. Introduction of the Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485)

In September 2018, the Australian government introduced the Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485), which is designed to attract recent graduates who have completed their studies in Australia. The visa has a points-based system and is designed to attract workers who can contribute to the Australian economy.

9. Changes to the Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS)

In October 2018, the Australian government introduced changes to the ENS, which aimed to improve the integrity of the program. The changes included:

10. Introduction of the Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) visa

In November 2018, the Australian government introduced the Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) visa, which is designed to attract skilled workers who want to live and work in regional areas of Australia. The visa has a points-based system and is designed to attract workers who can contribute to the Australian economy.

These are just some of the key updates on Australia visa news in 2018. If you're planning to apply for an Australian visa, it's essential to stay up-to-date with the latest changes and requirements.