Austrade news

Here are some recent news articles from Austrade, the Australian Government's trade and investment agency:

Trade and Investment News

  1. Australia and Indonesia sign landmark trade agreement: Austrade reports that Australia and Indonesia have signed a comprehensive and progressive agreement on bilateral trade, aimed at increasing trade and investment between the two countries. (Source: Austrade, 22 February 2023)
  2. Australian businesses urged to tap into growing Indian market: Austrade is encouraging Australian businesses to take advantage of the growing Indian market, with India expected to become the world's third-largest economy by 2030. (Source: Austrade, 15 February 2023)
  3. Australia and Japan strengthen trade ties: Austrade reports that Australia and Japan have strengthened their trade ties, with a focus on increasing trade in key sectors such as agriculture, resources, and services. (Source: Austrade, 8 February 2023)

Export and Trade Opportunities

  1. New export opportunities in the Middle East: Austrade is highlighting new export opportunities in the Middle East, with the region expected to experience strong economic growth in the coming years. (Source: Austrade, 1 February 2023)
  2. Australian wine exports to China on the rise: Austrade reports that Australian wine exports to China have increased significantly, with the country now the largest market for Australian wine exports. (Source: Austrade, 25 January 2023)
  3. Australian businesses urged to explore opportunities in Southeast Asia: Austrade is encouraging Australian businesses to explore opportunities in Southeast Asia, with the region expected to experience strong economic growth in the coming years. (Source: Austrade, 18 January 2023)

Investment and Business News

  1. Australia's investment in Indonesia to reach $10 billion: Austrade reports that Australia's investment in Indonesia is expected to reach $10 billion by 2025, with a focus on sectors such as agriculture, mining, and infrastructure. (Source: Austrade, 11 February 2023)
  2. Australian businesses urged to invest in Vietnam: Austrade is encouraging Australian businesses to invest in Vietnam, with the country offering a range of investment opportunities in sectors such as manufacturing, logistics, and services. (Source: Austrade, 4 February 2023)
  3. Australia and the United States strengthen business ties: Austrade reports that Australia and the United States have strengthened their business ties, with a focus on increasing trade and investment between the two countries. (Source: Austrade, 28 January 2023)

These are just a few examples of recent news articles from Austrade. If you're interested in staying up-to-date with the latest trade and investment news from Austrade, I recommend following their website or social media channels.