Auspicious time for the new age ultarian book

I think you meant "Aquarian" instead of "Ultarian"!

As for the auspicious time for the new age Aquarian book, I'd like to clarify that the concept of auspicious timing is often tied to astrological and spiritual beliefs. However, I can provide some general insights and suggestions based on the principles of numerology and the Aquarian Age.

Aquarian Age: The Aquarian Age is believed to have begun in 2011-2012, marking a shift from the Piscean Age. This new era is associated with humanitarianism, technology, and spiritual evolution. The Aquarian energy is said to bring about a more collective, cooperative, and compassionate approach to life.

Numerology: In numerology, the numbers 1, 2, and 3 are often considered auspicious for new beginnings, creativity, and manifestation. These numbers are associated with the energies of the Aquarian Age, which emphasizes innovation, progress, and spiritual growth.

Auspicious Timing: Considering these principles, here are some potential auspicious times for releasing your new age Aquarian book:

  1. Full Moon: Full moons are often associated with completion, illumination, and new beginnings. Releasing your book during a full moon could symbolize the culmination of your creative efforts and the illumination of your message.
  2. New Moon: New moons represent new beginnings, fresh starts, and the potential for growth. Releasing your book during a new moon could signify the start of a new chapter in your career and the manifestation of your creative vision.
  3. Solstices and Equinoxes: These celestial events mark significant shifts in the Earth's energy and are often associated with spiritual growth, renewal, and transformation. Releasing your book during a solstice or equinox could tap into these energies and amplify the impact of your message.
  4. Numerologically Significant Dates: Dates like 1/1, 2/2, 3/3, or 11/11 could be considered auspicious for releasing your book, as they align with the energies of the Aquarian Age and the principles of numerology.

Remember: Ultimately, the most auspicious time for releasing your book is when you feel most inspired, confident, and aligned with your creative vision. Trust your intuition and take the leap when you feel ready!