Aurat march pakistani women face violent threats ahead of rally

The Aurat March, also known as the Women's March, is an annual event held in Pakistan to promote women's rights and challenge gender-based discrimination. The march is organized by the Aurat March Collective, a group of women's rights activists and organizations.

Ahead of the march, which is scheduled to take place on March 8, 2023, Pakistani women have been facing violent threats and intimidation. The threats have been made by various groups, including religious extremists and right-wing organizations, who oppose the march and its demands for women's rights.

The Aurat March Collective has reported receiving threatening messages and emails, including death threats, from unknown individuals. The collective has also been targeted with hate speech and misinformation on social media, with some individuals and groups spreading false information about the march and its organizers.

Despite the threats, the Aurat March Collective has vowed to continue with the march, which is expected to attract thousands of women and men from across the country. The march will demand an end to gender-based violence, including domestic violence, sexual harassment, and honor killings, as well as greater representation of women in politics and public life.

The Aurat March has become an important symbol of women's resistance in Pakistan, where women's rights are often curtailed by patriarchal norms and religious extremism. The march has been held annually since 2018 and has gained international attention for its bold demands for women's rights and its defiance in the face of violence and intimidation.

In response to the threats, the Aurat March Collective has called on the government to provide security and protection to the marchers. The collective has also urged the public to stand in solidarity with the march and to reject the threats and intimidation made against the women's rights movement.

The Aurat March is a powerful symbol of women's resistance in Pakistan, and its organizers are determined to continue fighting for women's rights despite the threats and intimidation. The march is a testament to the strength and resilience of Pakistani women, who are demanding their rights and challenging the patriarchal norms that have long oppressed them.