Aunty acid new year

Aunty Acid is a popular internet meme featuring a humorous and sarcastic older woman, often depicted as a grandmother or great-aunt. She's known for her witty one-liners and humorous takes on everyday life.

Here are a few Aunty Acid-style New Year's resolutions:

  1. "I resolve to not yell at the TV during the news, but let's be real, it's gonna be a long year."
  2. "I vow to eat more ice cream and less kale. Priorities, people!"
  3. "I promise to not complain about the weather, but only because I've given up on expecting anything good to happen."
  4. "I resolve to learn how to use Snapchat, but only so I can send embarrassing photos of my grandkids to their parents."
  5. "I vow to not get too worked up about politics, but only because I've already given up on humanity."

Happy New Year, and may your resolutions be filled with humor and a healthy dose of sarcasm!