Aung san suu kyi cancels trip un amid growing rohingya crisis

Aung San Suu Kyi, the State Counsellor of Myanmar, has cancelled a trip to the United States amid growing international pressure over the ongoing Rohingya crisis.

Suu Kyi was scheduled to visit the US in September to attend the United Nations General Assembly, but her trip has been cancelled due to the intense scrutiny she has faced over the Myanmar military's brutal treatment of the Rohingya minority.

The Rohingya crisis has been ongoing since August 2017, when the Myanmar military launched a campaign of violence and persecution against the Rohingya, leading to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people. The crisis has been widely condemned by the international community, with many calling for Suu Kyi to take action to address the situation.

Suu Kyi's cancellation of the trip is seen as a significant development, as it suggests that she is aware of the growing pressure she is under and is attempting to avoid further criticism. However, many human rights groups and activists have called for Suu Kyi to be held accountable for her government's actions, and for her to take concrete steps to address the crisis.

The cancellation of Suu Kyi's trip comes as the international community continues to push for action to address the Rohingya crisis. The UN has described the situation as a "textbook example of ethnic cleansing," and has called for the Myanmar military to be held accountable for its actions.

In recent weeks, there have been reports of ongoing violence and human rights abuses in Myanmar, including the burning of Rohingya villages and the killing of civilians. The situation remains highly volatile, and there are concerns that the crisis could escalate further if action is not taken to address it.

Suu Kyi's cancellation of her trip to the US is a significant development, and it remains to be seen what steps she will take to address the Rohingya crisis. However, it is clear that the international community will continue to push for action to address the situation, and that Suu Kyi will face increasing pressure to take concrete steps to address the crisis.