August new month prayer

Here's a sample prayer for the month of August:

August Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

As we enter the month of August, we come before you with gratitude and humility. We thank you for the blessings of the past month and for the opportunities you have given us to grow and learn.

As we look to the month ahead, we ask that you guide us and direct us. Help us to stay focused on our goals and priorities, and give us the wisdom and discernment to make decisions that align with your will.

We pray for peace and calm in our lives, and for the ability to navigate any challenges that may come our way. We ask that you be our rock and our refuge, our shelter and our strength.

We also pray for the world around us. We ask that you bring hope and healing to those who are hurting, and that you bring light and guidance to those who are searching for truth.

As we celebrate the joys of summer, we remember that you are always with us, even in the midst of fun and recreation. Help us to keep our hearts and minds focused on you, and to use our time wisely.

We pray for our families, our friends, and our communities. We ask that you bless and protect them, and that you bring them closer to you.

Finally, we pray for the opportunity to serve you and to make a difference in the lives of others. Help us to be good stewards of the gifts and talents you have given us, and to use them to bring glory and honor to your name.

In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

Additional Prayers for August