Audio hebrew new testament

Here are some options for listening to the Hebrew New Testament:

  1. Audio Bible: The Audio Bible has a Hebrew New Testament audio recording available for free download. The recording is in Hebrew with English subtitles.
  2. Hebrew New Testament Audio: This website offers a free audio recording of the Hebrew New Testament, read by a native Hebrew speaker.
  3. Bible Gateway: Bible Gateway has a Hebrew New Testament audio recording available for listening online or downloading as an MP3 file.
  4. Hebrew New Testament Podcast: This podcast offers a verse-by-verse reading of the Hebrew New Testament, with explanations and commentary.
  5. Jewish New Testament: This website offers a free audio recording of the Jewish New Testament, which is a translation of the New Testament into Hebrew.

Please note that the availability and quality of these recordings may vary. Additionally, some recordings may be in Hebrew with English subtitles or explanations, while others may be in Hebrew only.