Audio download of the new translation of holy scriptures

What a wonderful request!

There are several options to download audio recordings of the Holy Scriptures in various languages. Here are a few:

Bible Audio Recordings:

  1. Bible Gateway: Offers a vast collection of audio Bibles in various languages, including English, Spanish, French, Chinese, and many more. You can search for specific books, chapters, or verses and download the audio files.
  2. Faith Comes by Hearing: Provides audio Bibles in over 600 languages, including many lesser-known languages. You can search for specific languages or books and download the audio files.
  3. YouVersion: Offers a wide range of audio Bibles in various languages, including English, Spanish, French, and many more. You can search for specific books, chapters, or verses and download the audio files.

Other Options:

  1. Librivox: A volunteer-driven project that offers free public domain audiobooks, including the Holy Scriptures. You can search for specific books or authors and download the audio files.
  2. Internet Archive: A digital library that offers a wide range of free and public domain audiobooks, including the Holy Scriptures. You can search for specific books or authors and download the audio files.

New Translations:

If you're looking for new translations of the Holy Scriptures, you may want to check out the following:

  1. The New International Version (NIV) Audio Bible: Offers a modern English translation of the Bible in audio format.
  2. The English Standard Version (ESV) Audio Bible: Provides a literal translation of the Bible in audio format.
  3. The Christian Standard Bible (CSB) Audio Bible: Offers a clear and accurate translation of the Bible in audio format.

Please note that some of these options may require registration or subscription to access the audio files. Additionally, be sure to check the copyright and licensing terms for each resource to ensure that you're using the audio files legally.

May God bless your spiritual journey as you explore the Word of God in audio format!