Audience perception of credibility of news sources in nigeria pdf

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Title: Audience Perception of Credibility of News Sources in Nigeria


This study examines the audience perception of credibility of news sources in Nigeria. The study employed a survey research design, administering a questionnaire to 500 respondents in Lagos and Abuja. The results show that the majority of respondents (64.4%) perceive online news sources as less credible than traditional news sources. The study also found that respondents' perception of credibility is influenced by factors such as source reputation, accuracy, and bias. The findings suggest that news sources in Nigeria need to improve their credibility by ensuring accuracy, transparency, and impartiality in their reporting.


The credibility of news sources is a crucial factor in determining the effectiveness of news dissemination. In Nigeria, the credibility of news sources has been a subject of concern, with many respondents expressing doubts about the accuracy and impartiality of news reports. This study aims to investigate the audience perception of credibility of news sources in Nigeria, with a focus on traditional and online news sources.


The study employed a survey research design, administering a questionnaire to 500 respondents in Lagos and Abuja. The questionnaire consisted of 20 items, including questions on respondents' perception of credibility, source reputation, accuracy, and bias. The respondents were selected using a stratified random sampling technique.


The results show that the majority of respondents (64.4%) perceive online news sources as less credible than traditional news sources. The study also found that respondents' perception of credibility is influenced by factors such as source reputation (r = 0.43, p < 0.01), accuracy (r = 0.35, p < 0.01), and bias (r = -0.28, p < 0.01). The results also show that respondents who perceive online news sources as less credible are more likely to rely on traditional news sources for information (r = 0.25, p < 0.01).


The findings suggest that news sources in Nigeria need to improve their credibility by ensuring accuracy, transparency, and impartiality in their reporting. The study also highlights the importance of source reputation in determining respondents' perception of credibility. The results also suggest that respondents who perceive online news sources as less credible are more likely to rely on traditional news sources for information.


In conclusion, the study highlights the importance of credibility in news dissemination in Nigeria. The findings suggest that news sources in Nigeria need to improve their credibility by ensuring accuracy, transparency, and impartiality in their reporting. The study also highlights the importance of source reputation in determining respondents' perception of credibility.


Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations are made:

  1. News sources in Nigeria should prioritize accuracy, transparency, and impartiality in their reporting to improve their credibility.
  2. News sources should invest in building their reputation by providing high-quality content and engaging with their audience.
  3. Online news sources should consider partnering with traditional news sources to improve their credibility.
  4. The Nigerian government should establish a regulatory body to monitor and regulate the media industry in Nigeria.


The study has some limitations. The sample size was limited to 500 respondents, which may not be representative of the entire population of Nigeria. The study also relied on self-reported data, which may be subject to bias.

Future Research Directions:

Future research should investigate the factors that influence respondents' perception of credibility, including the role of social media and the impact of fake news on credibility. Future research should also investigate the effectiveness of strategies for improving credibility, including the use of fact-checking and transparency in reporting.


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Appendix A: Questionnaire

Appendix B: Data Analysis

Appendix C: Results

Appendix D: Discussion

Appendix E: Conclusion

Appendix F: References

Note: This is a sample PDF and may not reflect the actual content or findings of a real research study.