Auchi polytechnic latest news 2015

Here are some latest news from Auchi Polytechnic in 2015:

  1. New Rector Appointed: In January 2015, the Federal Government appointed Dr. Emmanuel Adigio as the new Rector of Auchi Polytechnic. Dr. Adigio was a former Deputy Rector of the institution.
  2. JAMB Cut-Off Mark: In April 2015, the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) announced a cut-off mark of 180 for admission into Auchi Polytechnic for the 2015/2016 academic session.
  3. Convocation Ceremony: In June 2015, Auchi Polytechnic held its 24th Convocation Ceremony, where a total of 12,000 students were awarded diplomas, higher national diplomas, and higher national certificates.
  4. New Academic Programmes: In July 2015, the polytechnic introduced new academic programmes, including a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, and a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management Technology.
  5. Staff Union Strike: In August 2015, the Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP) embarked on a strike, which affected academic activities in the institution. The strike was called off in October 2015 after a meeting with the Federal Government.
  6. Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) Intervention: In September 2015, the NDDC intervened in the institution, providing infrastructure development and upgrading of facilities, including the construction of a new library and a 500-bed hostel.
  7. Alumni Association Election: In October 2015, the Auchi Polytechnic Alumni Association held its election, with Mr. Samuel Ogbodu emerging as the new President of the association.
  8. Research and Innovation: In November 2015, the polytechnic launched its Research and Innovation Centre, aimed at promoting research and innovation in the institution and the community.

These are some of the latest news from Auchi Polytechnic in 2015. If you need more information or specific news, please let me know!