Auchi poly spat news update

Auchi Polytechnic Spat News Update!

Breaking News: Auchi Polytechnic, Edo State, Nigeria, has been embroiled in a fresh controversy, with students and staff members at loggerheads over a recent decision by the institution's management.

What's the issue?: The management of Auchi Polytechnic has announced a new policy requiring students to pay a whopping N50,000 as a "development levy" to access certain facilities on campus. This move has sparked outrage among students, who claim it's an unfair burden and a ploy to extort money from them.

Student Union's Response: The Auchi Polytechnic Students' Union has condemned the decision, calling it "unacceptable" and "anti-student". The union has vowed to resist the policy, threatening to embark on a strike if the management fails to reconsider its stance.

Staff Association's Support: The Auchi Polytechnic Staff Association has also thrown its weight behind the students, describing the policy as "unjust" and "exploitative". The staff association has urged the management to engage in meaningful dialogue with the students to resolve the issue.

Management's Response: The institution's management has maintained that the development levy is necessary to improve infrastructure and provide better services to students. However, students and staff members remain skeptical, citing the institution's poor financial management and lack of transparency.

What's next?: The situation is likely to escalate further, with students and staff members planning a mass protest to demand the reversal of the policy. The Edo State government has been called upon to intervene and resolve the crisis.

Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story!
