Auchi poly spat news

Auchi Polytechnic Spat News!

It seems like there's been a recent controversy at Auchi Polytechnic, a prestigious institution in Nigeria. Here are some updates on the spat:

What's the issue?

Reports suggest that the institution's governing council, led by the Rector, Dr. Pondei Akpofure, has been at loggerheads with the Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP) over issues such as:

  1. Salary arrears: ASUP members claim that they have not received their salaries for several months, leading to financial hardship.
  2. Promotion: The union is demanding the promotion of deserving staff members, citing delays and unfair treatment.
  3. Infrastructure development: ASUP wants the council to prioritize the development of the institution's infrastructure, including the construction of new buildings and renovation of existing ones.

Confrontation and protests

Tensions escalated when ASUP members staged a protest on campus, blocking roads and disrupting academic activities. The union's leadership accused the governing council of being insensitive to their plight and refusing to engage in meaningful dialogue.

Reactions and responses

The Rector, Dr. Pondei Akpofure, has denied the allegations, stating that the council is committed to resolving the issues amicably. He claimed that the institution is facing financial challenges, which are affecting its ability to pay salaries and address other concerns.

Government intervention

The Federal Ministry of Education has intervened, urging both parties to resolve their differences peacefully. The ministry has also promised to provide support to the institution to address its financial challenges.

Impact on students

The spat has caused disruptions to academic activities, with some students expressing concerns about the impact on their studies. The institution's management has assured students that they will do everything possible to minimize the disruptions and ensure a smooth academic calendar.

What's next?

The situation remains tense, with both parties refusing to back down. ASUP has threatened to continue its protests until their demands are met, while the governing council has vowed to take all necessary steps to maintain order on campus.

It's essential for all parties involved to engage in constructive dialogue to resolve the issues and ensure the smooth operation of the institution.