Attributes of new toen

I think you meant "attributes of a new toenail"!

Here are some common attributes of a new toenail:

  1. Shape: A new toenail is typically oval or rounded in shape, with a smooth, curved edge.
  2. Color: The color of a new toenail is usually a pale pinkish-white, with a slightly yellowish or beige tint.
  3. Texture: The surface of a new toenail is smooth and shiny, with a slightly waxy or oily texture.
  4. Growth rate: New toenails grow at a rate of about 0.1 to 0.2 millimeters per day, or about 1 to 2 centimeters per month.
  5. Hardness: New toenails are relatively soft and pliable, becoming harder and more brittle as they mature.
  6. Flexibility: New toenails are more flexible than mature toenails, allowing them to bend and curve slightly.
  7. Sensitivity: New toenails are often more sensitive to touch and pressure than mature toenails.
  8. Moisture content: New toenails have a higher moisture content than mature toenails, which can make them more prone to fungal infections.
  9. Keratin content: New toenails contain a higher percentage of keratin, a protein that gives them their strength and rigidity.
  10. Growth pattern: New toenails grow in a specific pattern, with the nail plate growing outward from the nail bed and the nail bed itself growing downward.

Keep in mind that these attributes can vary from person to person, and may be influenced by factors such as age, health, and lifestyle.