Atq news

ATQ News!

ATQ stands for "Air Transport Quarterly," a leading industry publication that provides news, analysis, and insights on the global air transport sector. Here are some recent news articles from ATQ:

Top Stories

  1. IATA: Global Air Travel Demand to Reach Pre-Pandemic Levels by 2024: The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has forecast that global air travel demand will recover to pre-pandemic levels by 2024, driven by vaccination efforts and easing travel restrictions.
  2. Boeing 737 MAX Returns to Service in the US: The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has cleared the Boeing 737 MAX to return to service in the US, following a 20-month grounding due to safety concerns.
  3. Delta Air Lines to Launch Non-Stop Flights from Atlanta to Cape Town: Delta Air Lines has announced plans to launch non-stop flights from Atlanta to Cape Town, South Africa, starting in November 2023.

Industry Insights

  1. Sustainability in Aviation: The Role of Electric and Hybrid-Electric Propulsion: As the aviation industry looks to reduce its carbon footprint, electric and hybrid-electric propulsion systems are gaining attention as a potential solution.
  2. The Impact of COVID-19 on Airline Mergers and Acquisitions: The pandemic has disrupted the airline industry, leading to a slowdown in mergers and acquisitions. However, some airlines are still exploring opportunities to strengthen their positions.
  3. The Future of Air Traffic Control: Automation and Digitalization: Air traffic control systems are undergoing significant changes, with automation and digitalization playing a key role in improving efficiency and reducing delays.

Regulatory Updates

  1. EU Proposes Stricter Emissions Rules for Aviation: The European Union has proposed stricter emissions rules for the aviation sector, aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 60% by 2050.
  2. FAA Proposes New Rules for Drone Operations: The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has proposed new rules for drone operations, including requirements for remote identification and geofencing.
  3. IATA Calls for Harmonized Global Aviation Security Standards: The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has called for harmonized global aviation security standards to ensure consistency and effectiveness in protecting against threats.

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