Atlantic global asset management latest news 2018

Here are some news articles and updates from Atlantic Global Asset Management (AGAM) for 2018:

  1. AGAM Launches New Fund: In January 2018, AGAM launched a new fund, the Atlantic Global Asset Management Emerging Markets Fund, which aims to provide investors with exposure to the growth potential of emerging markets. (Source: PR Newswire)
  2. Appointment of New CEO: In February 2018, AGAM announced the appointment of a new CEO, Mark Turner, who brings over 20 years of experience in the financial industry. (Source: Business Wire)
  3. AGAM Expands Operations: In March 2018, AGAM announced the expansion of its operations in Asia, with the opening of a new office in Hong Kong. (Source: Financial Times)
  4. AGAM Wins Award: In April 2018, AGAM won the "Best Alternative Investment Manager" award at the 2018 Hedge Fund Awards. (Source: Hedge Fund Awards)
  5. AGAM Launches ESG Fund: In May 2018, AGAM launched a new ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) fund, which aims to provide investors with a sustainable investment option. (Source: Environmental Finance)
  6. AGAM Partners with University: In June 2018, AGAM partnered with a leading university to launch a new research initiative focused on alternative investments. (Source: University News)
  7. AGAM Expands Product Range: In July 2018, AGAM expanded its product range to include a new range of fixed income funds. (Source: Financial News)
  8. AGAM Wins Award: In August 2018, AGAM won the "Best Alternative Investment Manager" award at the 2018 Alternative Investment Awards. (Source: Alternative Investment Awards)
  9. AGAM Launches New Office: In September 2018, AGAM launched a new office in New York, expanding its presence in the US market. (Source: PR Newswire)
  10. AGAM Celebrates 10th Anniversary: In October 2018, AGAM celebrated its 10th anniversary, marking a decade of growth and success in the alternative investment industry. (Source: AGAM Website)

Please note that these news articles and updates are subject to change and may not be comprehensive or up-to-date.