Atlantic global asset management latest news

Here are some of the latest news and updates from Atlantic Global Asset Management:

Recent News

  1. Atlantic Global Asset Management Expands Operations in Latin America: The company has announced the opening of a new office in Mexico City, Mexico, to support its growing client base in the region. (Source: PR Newswire, March 2023)
  2. Atlantic Global Asset Management Launches New Sustainable Investment Strategy: The company has introduced a new sustainable investment strategy, which focuses on environmentally and socially responsible investments. (Source: Financial Times, February 2023)
  3. Atlantic Global Asset Management Appoints New Head of Research: The company has appointed a new Head of Research, who will lead the firm's research efforts and provide insights to clients. (Source: Bloomberg, January 2023)

Recent Awards and Recognition

  1. Atlantic Global Asset Management Wins "Best Asset Manager" Award: The company has been recognized as the "Best Asset Manager" at the 2022 Global Investment Awards. (Source: Global Investment Awards, December 2022)
  2. Atlantic Global Asset Management Ranked Among Top 10 Asset Managers: The company has been ranked among the top 10 asset managers in the world by a leading industry publication. (Source: Institutional Investor, November 2022)

Recent Market Insights

  1. Atlantic Global Asset Management Publishes Market Outlook Report: The company has published its latest market outlook report, which provides insights on the current market trends and outlook for the coming year. (Source: Atlantic Global Asset Management, January 2023)
  2. Atlantic Global Asset Management Publishes Research Report on Emerging Markets: The company has published a research report on emerging markets, which provides insights on the investment opportunities and challenges in these markets. (Source: Atlantic Global Asset Management, February 2023)

Please note that the news and updates provided are subject to change and may not be up-to-date. It's always a good idea to check the company's official website or contact them directly for the latest information.