Atiku wont sacrifice anybody says melaye

It seems like you're referring to a recent statement made by Senator Dino Melaye, a Nigerian politician. According to reports, Senator Melaye has said that Atiku Abubakar, the presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), will not sacrifice anyone for political power.

For context, Atiku Abubakar is a prominent Nigerian politician who has been involved in several high-profile political battles throughout his career. He has been accused of various wrongdoings, including corruption and human rights abuses, which have led to widespread criticism and controversy.

Senator Melaye's statement is likely an attempt to defend Atiku Abubakar and downplay the allegations against him. However, it's important to note that the allegations against Atiku Abubakar are serious and have been made by multiple sources, including human rights organizations and government agencies.

It's also worth noting that Senator Melaye has been known for his controversial statements and actions in the past, which have often been criticized by his opponents and the general public. Therefore, his statement about Atiku Abubakar should be taken with a grain of salt and viewed in the context of his overall political agenda.

What are your thoughts on this issue? Do you think Senator Melaye's statement is an attempt to defend Atiku Abubakar or is it a genuine expression of support?