Atiku why we are not progressing in nigeria

A very valid question! Atiku Abubakar, a former Vice President of Nigeria and presidential candidate, has indeed spoken out on the challenges facing the country. Here are some of his views on why Nigeria is not progressing:

  1. Lack of effective leadership: Atiku believes that Nigeria's leadership has not been effective in addressing the country's problems. He argues that leaders have been more interested in personal gain than in serving the people.
  2. Corruption: Atiku has consistently spoken out against corruption, which he sees as a major obstacle to Nigeria's progress. He believes that corruption has created a culture of impunity and has hindered the country's development.
  3. Inadequate infrastructure: Atiku has emphasized the need for improved infrastructure, including roads, power, and healthcare. He believes that these basic amenities are essential for economic growth and development.
  4. Unemployment: Atiku has highlighted the high rate of unemployment in Nigeria, which he sees as a major challenge. He believes that the government needs to create more jobs and opportunities for young people.
  5. Lack of education: Atiku has emphasized the importance of education in Nigeria's development. He believes that the country needs to invest more in education to produce a skilled and knowledgeable workforce.
  6. Insecurity: Atiku has spoken out about the insecurity challenges facing Nigeria, including terrorism, kidnapping, and banditry. He believes that the government needs to take more effective measures to address these issues.
  7. Mismanagement of resources: Atiku has criticized the mismanagement of Nigeria's resources, including oil revenues. He believes that the government needs to be more transparent and accountable in its management of resources.
  8. Lack of diversification: Atiku has emphasized the need for Nigeria to diversify its economy beyond oil. He believes that the country needs to develop other sectors, such as agriculture and manufacturing, to reduce its dependence on oil.
  9. Inefficient bureaucracy: Atiku has criticized the inefficiencies of Nigeria's bureaucracy, which he sees as hindering the country's progress. He believes that the government needs to streamline its processes and reduce bureaucracy to improve efficiency.
  10. Lack of accountability: Atiku has emphasized the need for accountability in Nigeria's governance. He believes that leaders need to be held accountable for their actions and decisions.

These are some of the reasons why Atiku believes Nigeria is not progressing. He has proposed various solutions to address these challenges, including improving governance, promoting economic diversification, and investing in education and infrastructure.