Atiku new political party

You're referring to the recent development in Nigerian politics!

Atiku Abubakar, a former Vice President of Nigeria and presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the 2019 elections, has indeed announced the formation of a new political party, the African Democratic Congress (ADC).

On February 4, 2022, Atiku launched the ADC, which he described as a "party of the people, by the people, and for the people." The party's motto is "Unity, Progress, and Prosperity."

The ADC is seen as a major development in Nigerian politics, as it marks a significant departure from Atiku's previous affiliation with the PDP. The move is also seen as a response to the growing dissatisfaction with the current political landscape in Nigeria, particularly the dominance of the two main parties, the PDP and the All Progressives Congress (APC).

Atiku has stated that the ADC will focus on issues such as good governance, economic development, and social justice, and will provide a platform for Nigerians to participate in the country's political process.

It remains to be seen how the ADC will fare in the Nigerian political landscape, but the formation of the party is certainly a significant development that will be closely watched by political observers and stakeholders.