Ateke tom latest news

Ateke Tom is a Nigerian warlord and leader of the Niger Delta Avengers, a militant group that has been involved in various conflicts in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Here are some of the latest news and updates about Ateke Tom:

  1. Peace talks: In October 2020, Ateke Tom announced that he had agreed to a peace deal with the Nigerian government, which would see the Niger Delta Avengers disarm and demobilize. The deal was brokered by the Pan Niger Delta Forum (PANDEF), a group of leaders from the Niger Delta region.
  2. Release of hostages: In November 2020, Ateke Tom announced that he had released 12 hostages who had been held captive by his group for several months. The hostages were reportedly being held for ransom.
  3. Arrest of top commanders: In December 2020, Nigerian security forces arrested several top commanders of the Niger Delta Avengers, including one of Ateke Tom's closest allies. The arrests were seen as a major blow to the group's leadership.
  4. Split within the group: In January 2021, there were reports of a split within the Niger Delta Avengers, with some members defecting to a rival group. Ateke Tom denied the reports, but the split was seen as a sign of growing instability within the group.
  5. Call for dialogue: In February 2021, Ateke Tom called for dialogue between the Nigerian government and the people of the Niger Delta region. He argued that the region's problems could only be solved through peaceful means.
  6. Security concerns: In March 2021, there were reports of increased security concerns in the Niger Delta region, with several attacks on oil facilities and communities. Ateke Tom denied any involvement in the attacks, but the situation remains volatile.
  7. Health issues: In April 2021, there were reports that Ateke Tom was suffering from health issues, including high blood pressure and diabetes. His health has been a concern for some time, and there are fears that his condition could worsen if he does not receive proper medical care.

These are some of the latest news and updates about Ateke Tom and the Niger Delta Avengers. The situation in the Niger Delta region remains complex and volatile, with ongoing conflicts and security concerns.