Atbu school news

Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University (ATBU) School News! Here are some recent updates:

Academic News

  1. Resumption of Academic Activities: The university has announced the resumption of academic activities for the 2022/2023 academic session. Students are expected to return to campus on [insert date].
  2. New Academic Programmes: ATBU has introduced new academic programmes in the faculties of Engineering, Science, and Technology. These programmes include [insert programme names].
  3. Research Grants: The university has announced research grants for faculty members and students to conduct research in various fields. The grants are available for [insert duration].

Campus News

  1. Campus Development: The university has embarked on a series of campus development projects, including the construction of new lecture halls, hostels, and recreational facilities.
  2. Student Union Election: The Student Union Election has been scheduled for [insert date]. Students are expected to participate in the election to elect their representatives.
  3. Sports Competition: The university has organized a sports competition for students, which will feature various games and activities.

Other News

  1. Alumni Association: The ATBU Alumni Association has announced plans to hold its annual reunion and awards ceremony on [insert date]. The event will feature keynote speakers, awards, and networking opportunities.
  2. Community Service: The university has organized a community service project, where students will participate in cleaning up the campus and surrounding communities.
  3. International Collaboration: ATBU has signed a memorandum of understanding with [insert international institution] to collaborate on research and academic programmes.

Important Dates

  1. Resumption of Academic Activities: [insert date]
  2. Student Union Election: [insert date]
  3. Alumni Reunion and Awards Ceremony: [insert date]
  4. Community Service Project: [insert date]

Stay tuned for more updates from Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University!