Asuu today news

Here are some of the latest news updates from the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) in Nigeria:

Latest News

  1. ASUU Strike Update: The union has announced that it will continue its ongoing strike until the government meets its demands. The strike, which began on February 14, has affected academic activities in Nigerian universities.
  2. FG-ASUU Meeting: The Federal Government and ASUU have agreed to meet on March 7 to discuss the union's demands, including the revitalization of the university system, payment of outstanding salaries, and the implementation of the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement.
  3. ASUU Demands: The union has reiterated its demands for the government to implement the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement, which includes the payment of outstanding salaries, the revitalization of the university system, and the implementation of the National Minimum Wage Act.
  4. Students' Suffering: The strike has caused significant disruption to academic activities, with students unable to attend classes or access facilities. Many students have expressed frustration and disappointment at the prolonged strike.
  5. Economic Impact: The strike has also had a significant economic impact, with many universities experiencing a decline in revenue due to the lack of academic activities.

Recent Developments

  1. ASUU National Executive Council (NEC) Meeting: The ASUU NEC met on February 28 to discuss the ongoing strike and the union's next steps.
  2. FG-ASUU Talks: The Federal Government and ASUU have held several meetings to discuss the union's demands, but no agreement has been reached yet.
  3. University Closure: Some universities have been forced to close due to the strike, with students unable to access facilities or attend classes.
  4. Student Protests: Students have staged several protests across the country, calling for the government to meet ASUU's demands and end the strike.
  5. International Support: The strike has received international attention, with some organizations and individuals expressing support for ASUU's demands.

Key Quotes

  1. ASUU President: "We will not back down until our demands are met. The government must take our demands seriously and implement the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement."
  2. FG Minister: "We are willing to meet with ASUU and discuss their demands. However, we cannot implement everything they are asking for."
  3. Student Leader: "The strike is causing significant hardship for students. We urge the government to meet ASUU's demands and end the strike."

Please note that the information provided is subject to change and may not be up-to-date. For the latest news and updates, I recommend checking reputable news sources or the official ASUU website.