Asuu strike update vanguard news 27th january 2019

Here is the update on the ASUU strike from Vanguard News on January 27th, 2019:

ASUU Strike: FG, Union Fail to Reach Agreement

The Federal Government and the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) have failed to reach an agreement, despite a meeting between the two parties on Saturday.

The meeting, which was held at the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Abuja, ended in a stalemate, with both parties refusing to budge from their positions.

The Minister of Labour and Employment, Chris Ngige, who led the government delegation, said that the government was willing to make concessions, but ASUU was not willing to compromise.

"We have made concessions, but ASUU is not willing to compromise. We have agreed to pay the outstanding arrears of salaries, but they are not willing to call off the strike," Ngige said.

The ASUU President, Biodun Ogunyemi, however, said that the union was not satisfied with the government's offer and that the strike would continue until its demands were met.

"We are not satisfied with the government's offer. We are still demanding for the implementation of the 2009 agreement and the payment of our outstanding salaries," Ogunyemi said.

The strike, which began on November 5, 2018, has affected over 1.5 million students in public universities across the country.

Key Demands of ASUU

  1. Implementation of the 2009 agreement, which includes the payment of outstanding salaries and allowances.
  2. Payment of earned academic allowances.
  3. Revitalization of public universities.
  4. Improved funding for universities.
  5. Implementation of the University Transparency and Accountability Solution (UTAS).

Government's Offer

  1. Payment of outstanding salaries and allowances.
  2. Implementation of the 2013 agreement, which includes the payment of earned academic allowances.
  3. Revitalization of public universities.
  4. Improved funding for universities.

The strike has entered its 72nd day, and there is no end in sight. The government and ASUU are expected to continue negotiations in the coming days.