Asuu strike update vanguard news

Here are the latest updates on the ASUU strike from Vanguard News:

Latest Update:

The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has given the Federal Government a 14-day ultimatum to meet its demands or face a total shutdown of universities across the country.

According to Vanguard News, ASUU President, Professor Emmanuel Osodeke, made this known during a press conference in Abuja on Monday.


The ASUU strike began on February 14, 2022, after the union's members voted to embark on the strike over the government's failure to meet their demands, including the implementation of the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement, the payment of earned academic allowances, and the revitalization of the university system.


ASUU is demanding:

  1. The implementation of the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement
  2. The payment of earned academic allowances
  3. The revitalization of the university system
  4. The release of the White Paper on the Visitation Panels to Public Universities
  5. The implementation of the University Transparency and Accountability Solution (UTAS)

Government's Response:

The Federal Government has been accused of not taking the strike seriously, with some officials saying that the strike is not necessary.

However, the Minister of Education, Adamu Adamu, has said that the government is willing to negotiate with ASUU to resolve the crisis.


The strike has had a significant impact on the education sector, with many students unable to attend classes and universities unable to conduct research and other academic activities.

Next Steps:

ASUU has given the government a 14-day ultimatum to meet its demands, after which the union will take further action, including a total shutdown of universities.

The government has been urged to take the strike seriously and negotiate with ASUU to resolve the crisis.


Vanguard News, "ASUU gives FG 14-day ultimatum to meet demands or face total shutdown of universities", March 13, 2023.