Asuu strike update today 2022 vanguard latest news now

Here are the latest updates on the ASUU strike as of today, 2022, from Vanguard News:

ASUU Strike Update:

  1. No End in Sight: The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has said that the ongoing strike may not end soon, as the union is yet to receive a concrete proposal from the Federal Government on the issues that led to the strike.
  2. FG's Offer Rejected: The union has rejected the offer made by the Federal Government to pay the outstanding salaries of its members, saying that the offer is not enough to address the main issues that led to the strike.
  3. ASUU Demands: The union is demanding the implementation of the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement, which includes the payment of earned academic allowances, the revitalization of universities, and the deployment of the University Transparency and Accountability Solution (UTAS).
  4. Students Suffer: The strike has caused untold suffering for students, who are unable to attend classes and are worried about their academic futures.
  5. Parents' Plea: Parents have appealed to the Federal Government to resolve the strike and allow students to return to school.

Latest News:

  1. ASUU Meets FG Today: The union is scheduled to meet with the Federal Government today to discuss the ongoing strike.
  2. FG's Fresh Offer: The government is expected to make a fresh offer to the union, which may include the payment of outstanding salaries and allowances.
  3. Students' Protest: Students have vowed to continue protesting until the strike is called off and they can return to school.

Stay Tuned for Updates:

I'll continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as more information becomes available.