Asuu strike update today 2021 vanguard latest

Here is the latest update on the ASUU strike as of today, 2021, from Vanguard News:

ASUU Strike Update:

The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has announced that it will not call off its ongoing strike until the Federal Government meets its demands.

The union's National President, Professor Biodun Ogunyemi, made this known in an interview with Vanguard on Tuesday.

According to Ogunyemi, the union has not received any concrete proposal from the government to address its demands, which include the implementation of the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement, the payment of earned academic allowances, and the revitalization of universities.

"We have not received any concrete proposal from the government to address our demands. We are still waiting for a concrete proposal from the government," Ogunyemi said.

The ASUU strike, which began on March 23, has entered its 12th week, with many students and parents calling for the government to intervene and resolve the crisis.

Latest Development:

The Federal Government has set up a committee to negotiate with ASUU and resolve the crisis. The committee, which is headed by the Minister of Labour and Employment, Dr. Chris Ngige, is expected to meet with ASUU leaders today to discuss the union's demands.

What's Next:

The outcome of today's meeting between the government and ASUU will determine the next step in the crisis. If the government is able to meet ASUU's demands, the strike may be called off. However, if the talks fail, the strike may continue, causing further disruption to academic activities in Nigerian universities.

Stay Tuned:

I will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as more information becomes available.