Asuu strike news 2015

Here are some news articles and updates on the ASUU strike in 2015:


The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) went on strike on July 22, 2013, over issues such as funding, infrastructure, and the implementation of the 2009 agreement between the union and the federal government. The strike lasted for over 6 months, with the union calling off the strike on November 14, 2013.

2015 Strike

In 2015, ASUU went on strike again on March 9, 2015, over similar issues, including:

  1. Funding: The union demanded that the federal government increase funding for universities to enable them to meet their obligations.
  2. Salary structure: ASUU wanted the government to implement the 2009 agreement, which included the payment of earned academic allowances and the promotion of lecturers.
  3. Infrastructure: The union demanded that the government provide adequate infrastructure, including classrooms, libraries, and laboratories, to enable universities to function effectively.

Key Events

  1. March 9, 2015: ASUU goes on strike, with over 90% of university lecturers participating.
  2. April 2015: The federal government sets up a committee to negotiate with ASUU, but the talks break down.
  3. May 2015: The National Assembly passes a bill to increase the budget for education, but ASUU rejects the proposal, saying it is not enough.
  4. June 2015: The government offers to pay ASUU members a 10% increase in salary, but the union rejects the offer, saying it is not enough to meet their demands.
  5. July 2015: The strike enters its fifth month, with many universities remaining shut.


The strike was called off on September 14, 2015, after the federal government and ASUU reached a agreement. The agreement included:

  1. Payment of earned academic allowances to lecturers.
  2. Promotion of lecturers.
  3. Increase in funding for universities.
  4. Implementation of the 2009 agreement.

The strike lasted for 6 months and 5 days, with many students and lecturers affected by the disruption to academic activities.


  1. "ASUU Strike: FG, Union Reach Agreement" - Premium Times, September 14, 2015
  2. "ASUU Strike: FG Offers 10% Salary Increase, Union Rejects" - Vanguard, June 2015
  3. "ASUU Strike: FG Sets Up Committee to Negotiate with Union" - This Day, April 2015
  4. "ASUU Strike: National Assembly Passes Bill to Increase Education Budget" - Leadership, May 2015