Asuu news 2019

Here are some notable news stories from the Association of University Staff Unions (ASUU) in 2019:

  1. ASUU Strike: The union went on strike on November 4, 2018, and lasted for nine months, ending on October 14, 2019. The strike was called off after the Federal Government agreed to implement the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement and address other demands.
  2. FGN-ASUU Agreement: The Federal Government and ASUU signed a new agreement on October 14, 2019, which included the implementation of the 2009 agreement, payment of outstanding salaries, and the establishment of a visitation panel to oversee the implementation of the agreement.
  3. Payment of Outstanding Salaries: The Federal Government agreed to pay outstanding salaries and allowances owed to ASUU members, amounting to N47 billion.
  4. Establishment of Visitation Panel: The Federal Government agreed to establish a visitation panel to oversee the implementation of the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement and ensure that the agreement is fully implemented.
  5. ASUU Demands: The union made several demands during the strike, including the implementation of the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement, payment of outstanding salaries and allowances, and the establishment of a visitation panel to oversee the implementation of the agreement.
  6. FGN-ASUU Meeting: The Federal Government and ASUU held several meetings during the strike, including a meeting on October 14, 2019, where the agreement was signed.
  7. ASUU Strike Update: The union provided regular updates on the strike, including the reasons for the strike, the demands, and the progress made during the negotiations.
  8. FGN-ASUU Agreement Implementation: The Federal Government and ASUU agreed to implement the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement, which includes the payment of outstanding salaries and allowances, and the establishment of a visitation panel to oversee the implementation of the agreement.
  9. ASUU Strike Impact: The strike had a significant impact on the academic calendar, with many universities closing down or operating on a reduced schedule.
  10. ASUU Strike Resolution: The strike was resolved on October 14, 2019, after the Federal Government and ASUU signed the agreement, which included the implementation of the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement and the payment of outstanding salaries and allowances.

These are some of the notable news stories from ASUU in 2019.