Asuu news 2018

Here are some notable news stories from the Association of University Staff Unions (ASUU) in 2018:

  1. ASUU Strike: The union went on strike in November 2018, demanding better working conditions, improved funding for universities, and the implementation of the 2009 agreement between the union and the government. The strike lasted for eight months, affecting over 1.5 million students.
  2. FG-ASUU Agreement: After several months of negotiations, the Federal Government and ASUU reached an agreement in October 2018. The agreement included a 23.7% increase in salaries for lecturers, a review of the university funding formula, and the establishment of a visitation panel to oversee the implementation of the agreement.
  3. ASUU Demands: The union made several demands during the strike, including the implementation of the 2009 agreement, the payment of outstanding allowances, and the provision of infrastructure and facilities in universities. The union also demanded a review of the university funding formula to ensure that universities receive adequate funding.
  4. FG-ASUU Meeting: In September 2018, the Federal Government and ASUU held a meeting to discuss the ongoing strike. The meeting ended in a stalemate, with the union rejecting the government's offer and the government accusing the union of being inflexible.
  5. ASUU Threatens Strike: In August 2018, ASUU threatened to go on strike if the government failed to meet its demands. The union gave the government a 21-day ultimatum to address its concerns, but the strike was eventually called off after the government agreed to negotiate.
  6. ASUU Election: In July 2018, ASUU held its national election, with Professor Biodun Ogunyemi emerging as the new president of the union. Ogunyemi promised to prioritize the welfare of lecturers and the development of universities during his tenure.
  7. ASUU and FG Meeting: In June 2018, ASUU and the Federal Government held a meeting to discuss the ongoing strike. The meeting ended in a stalemate, with the union rejecting the government's offer and the government accusing the union of being inflexible.

These are just a few of the notable news stories from ASUU in 2018. The union's strike and negotiations with the government dominated the headlines throughout the year, with the union ultimately achieving some of its demands.