Asuu latest news page

Here are the latest news updates from the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) website:

Latest News

  1. AAUP Condemns Attacks on Academic Freedom and Free Speech: The AAUP has issued a statement condemning recent attacks on academic freedom and free speech, including the suppression of dissenting views and the use of violence to silence opposing viewpoints. (February 2023)
  2. AAUP Releases Report on Faculty Diversity and Inclusion: The AAUP has released a report highlighting the importance of faculty diversity and inclusion in higher education, and providing recommendations for institutions to improve diversity and inclusion on their campuses. (January 2023)
  3. AAUP Supports Faculty Unionization Efforts: The AAUP has announced its support for faculty unionization efforts, including a recent campaign at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). (December 2022)
  4. AAUP Condemns Cuts to Higher Education Funding: The AAUP has condemned recent cuts to higher education funding, which it says will have a devastating impact on students, faculty, and institutions. (November 2022)
  5. AAUP Releases Report on Faculty Workload and Well-being: The AAUP has released a report highlighting the impact of excessive workload and lack of support on faculty well-being, and providing recommendations for institutions to improve faculty working conditions. (October 2022)

Recent Statements

  1. Statement on Academic Freedom and Free Speech: The AAUP has issued a statement reaffirming its commitment to academic freedom and free speech, and condemning attacks on these fundamental values. (February 2023)
  2. Statement on Faculty Unionization: The AAUP has issued a statement supporting faculty unionization efforts, and urging institutions to recognize and respect the rights of faculty to organize and bargain collectively. (December 2022)
  3. Statement on Higher Education Funding Cuts: The AAUP has issued a statement condemning recent cuts to higher education funding, and urging policymakers to prioritize investment in higher education. (November 2022)

Recent Publications

  1. The AAUP Journal of Academic Freedom: The latest issue of the AAUP Journal of Academic Freedom is now available, featuring articles on topics such as academic freedom, free speech, and faculty governance. (February 2023)
  2. The AAUP Bulletin: The latest issue of the AAUP Bulletin is now available, featuring articles on topics such as faculty diversity and inclusion, academic freedom, and higher education policy. (January 2023)

Please note that the news and statements on the AAUP website are subject to change, and may not reflect the views of all members of the AAUP.