Asuu latest news for today

Here are the latest news updates from the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) for today:

Breaking News:

  1. ASUU Strike Update: The union has announced that it will not call off its ongoing strike until the Federal Government meets its demands. The strike, which has been ongoing for over 7 months, is affecting the academic activities of public universities across the country.
  2. FG-ASUU Meeting: The Federal Government and ASUU are set to hold a meeting today to discuss the ongoing strike. The meeting is expected to focus on the union's demands, including the payment of outstanding salaries, improved funding for universities, and the implementation of the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement.
  3. ASUU Demands: The union has reiterated its demands for the payment of outstanding salaries, the implementation of the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement, and the improvement of funding for universities. The union has also called for the establishment of a visitation panel to investigate the financial management of universities.
  4. Students' Suffering: The ongoing strike has caused significant suffering for students, who are unable to attend classes or access their academic records. Many students have been forced to seek alternative means of education, including online courses and private institutions.
  5. ASUU's Position: The union has maintained that it will not back down until its demands are met. ASUU President, Professor Emmanuel Osodeke, has said that the union is willing to negotiate, but only if the government is willing to meet its demands.

Other News:

  1. ASUU's Call for Support: The union has called on Nigerians to support its strike and demand that the government meets its demands. ASUU has also called on parents and students to join the strike and demand that the government takes action to resolve the crisis.
  2. FG's Response: The Federal Government has responded to ASUU's demands, saying that it is willing to negotiate, but only if the union is willing to call off its strike. The government has also accused ASUU of being responsible for the suffering of students.
  3. International Support: The international community has expressed support for ASUU's strike, with many organizations and individuals calling for the government to meet the union's demands.

I hope this information is helpful. Let me know if you have any other questions!