Asup strike news 2019

Here are some news articles and updates related to the 2019 ASUP strike:


The Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP) is a Nigerian trade union that represents the interests of academic staff in polytechnics across the country. In 2019, the union embarked on a nationwide strike to demand better working conditions, improved funding for polytechnics, and the implementation of the Needs Assessment Report for polytechnics.

Strike Timeline

The ASUP strike began on April 26, 2019, and lasted for several months. Here's a brief timeline of the strike:

Key Demands

ASUP's key demands during the strike included:

  1. Implementation of the Needs Assessment Report for polytechnics, which would provide additional funding for infrastructure development and staff welfare.
  2. Improved funding for polytechnics to enable them to provide quality education.
  3. Resolution of the issue of the non-implementation of the CONTISS 15 salary structure for polytechnic lecturers.
  4. Addressing the issue of the non-payment of salaries and allowances to polytechnic lecturers.

Government Response

The Federal Government responded to the ASUP strike by setting up a committee to negotiate with the union. The government also offered to implement some of the union's demands, but ASUP rejected the offer, citing that it did not meet their expectations.


The ASUP strike had a significant impact on the education sector in Nigeria. Many polytechnics remained shut, disrupting the academic calendar and affecting thousands of students. The strike also had a ripple effect on the economy, as many businesses and industries that rely on polytechnic graduates were affected.


The ASUP strike was eventually suspended in August 2019, but many polytechnics remained shut due to the ongoing industrial action. The union and the government agreed to continue negotiations, but the strike's impact on the education sector and the economy was significant.

Here are some news articles and updates related to the 2019 ASUP strike: