Asup seeks establishment of body to monitor finances in tertiary institutions

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ASUP Seeks Establishment of Body to Monitor Finances in Tertiary Institutions

The Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP) has called for the establishment of a body to monitor the finances of tertiary institutions in Nigeria. The union made this demand during its 2022 National Executive Council (NEC) meeting in Abuja.

According to ASUP, the proposed body, which it has dubbed the "Tertiary Education Finance Monitoring Agency," would be responsible for overseeing the financial activities of polytechnics and universities in the country. The union believes that such a body would help to prevent financial mismanagement and ensure transparency in the management of funds allocated to tertiary institutions.

ASUP also expressed concern over the poor state of infrastructure in many tertiary institutions, citing the lack of adequate funding as a major factor. The union urged the government to increase its allocation to the education sector and to ensure that the funds are properly utilized.

In addition, ASUP called for the implementation of the Needs Assessment Report for polytechnics, which was submitted to the government in 2019. The report identified the needs of polytechnics in terms of infrastructure, equipment, and staff development, and ASUP believes that its implementation would help to improve the quality of education in polytechnics.

Overall, ASUP's demand for the establishment of a body to monitor finances in tertiary institutions is aimed at promoting transparency and accountability in the management of funds allocated to these institutions.