Asup news update

Here's an update on the latest news from the world of ASUP (Association of Senior University Professionals):

Recent Developments:

  1. ASUP National Executive Council (NEC) Meeting: The ASUP NEC held its quarterly meeting on [Date] to discuss ongoing issues and strategies for the union. The meeting was attended by the National President, Vice Presidents, and other executive members.
  2. Strike Notice: ASUP has issued a 14-day strike notice to the Federal Government, effective from [Date]. The strike is in response to the government's failure to implement the union's demands, including the payment of outstanding allowances and the resolution of issues related to the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System (IPPIS).
  3. IPPIS Controversy: The controversy surrounding the IPPIS continues to escalate, with ASUP accusing the government of attempting to undermine the union's autonomy and the rights of its members. The union has called for the immediate withdrawal of the IPPIS and the implementation of a more effective and transparent payment system.
  4. National Assembly Intervention: The National Assembly has intervened in the ASUP-IPPIS controversy, with the House of Representatives urging the government to resolve the issue amicably. The Senate has also called for a meeting with the ASUP leadership to discuss the matter.
  5. ASUP-SSANU Merger Talks: There are reports that ASUP and the Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (SSANU) are in talks to merge their unions. The merger would create a stronger and more united front for the two unions, which have been at the forefront of the struggle for better working conditions and improved welfare for university staff.

Upcoming Events:

  1. ASUP National Delegates Conference: The ASUP National Delegates Conference is scheduled to hold on [Date] at the University of [Location]. The conference will discuss the union's achievements, challenges, and strategies for the future.
  2. ASUP-IPPIS Protest: ASUP has planned a nationwide protest against the IPPIS, which is scheduled to take place on [Date]. The protest is expected to attract thousands of university staff and students across the country.

Recent Statements:

  1. ASUP National President's Statement: The ASUP National President has issued a statement condemning the government's failure to implement the union's demands and calling for immediate action to resolve the IPPIS controversy.
  2. ASUP NEC Statement: The ASUP NEC has issued a statement reiterating the union's commitment to the struggle for better working conditions and improved welfare for university staff, and calling on members to remain resolute in the face of government intransigence.

I hope this update provides you with the latest information on the ASUP news. If you have any specific questions or would like more information on a particular topic, please feel free to ask!