Aston villa donate food to homeless charity after postponement

A heartwarming story!

According to reports, Aston Villa Football Club has donated food to a local homeless charity after their match against Tottenham Hotspur was postponed due to a COVID-19 outbreak.

The club had prepared a large quantity of food for the matchday hospitality and catering, which was then donated to the Birmingham-based charity, St Basil's, which provides support to homeless and vulnerable individuals.

Aston Villa's chief executive, Christian Purslow, said: "We were disappointed that our match against Tottenham Hotspur was postponed, but we didn't want the food to go to waste. We're proud to be able to support our local community and make a positive impact on people's lives."

St Basil's CEO, Chris Martin, added: "We're incredibly grateful to Aston Villa for their generosity. The food will make a huge difference to our clients, many of whom are struggling to access basic necessities like food and shelter. It's a fantastic example of the club's commitment to the community."

Kudos to Aston Villa for their kindness and community spirit!