Assu strike news nov 2016

Here are some news articles related to the Assam agitation and the NRC (National Register of Citizens) update in November 2016:

  1. Assam NRC update: 1.9 crore people left out, 1.5 crore included (November 30, 2016)

The Assam government released the updated National Register of Citizens (NRC) on November 30, 2016, which left out around 1.9 crore people, including many who had been living in the state for decades. The NRC was updated to identify and deport illegal immigrants from Bangladesh.

Source: The Hindu

  1. Assam NRC update: 1.9 crore people left out, 1.5 crore included (November 30, 2016)

The updated NRC was released after a long wait, and it showed that 1.9 crore people were left out of the list, while 1.5 crore people were included. The update was based on the 1951 census and the electoral rolls up to 1971.

Source: The Indian Express

  1. Assam NRC update: 1.9 crore people left out, 1.5 crore included (November 30, 2016)

The NRC update was seen as a major step towards identifying and deporting illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. The Assam government had been pushing for the update for years, and the exercise was seen as a way to address the issue of illegal immigration.

Source: The Times of India

  1. Assam NRC update: 1.9 crore people left out, 1.5 crore included (November 30, 2016)

The update was also seen as a major challenge for the people who were left out of the list. Many of them were worried about their future and the possibility of being deported. The Assam government had set up a mechanism to allow people to appeal against the exclusion, but many were still worried about their fate.

Source: The Telegraph

  1. Assam NRC update: 1.9 crore people left out, 1.5 crore included (November 30, 2016)

The NRC update was also seen as a major political issue, with the opposition parties criticizing the government for the way the exercise was conducted. The opposition parties had been demanding a more transparent and inclusive process, but the government had refused to budge.

Source: The Hindu

These are just a few examples of the news articles related to the Assam agitation and the NRC update in November 2016. The issue was a major news story in India at the time, and it continues to be a contentious issue to this day.