Association of osteopaths of new brunswick anob

The Association of Osteopaths of New Brunswick (AONB) is a professional organization that represents osteopaths in the province of New Brunswick, Canada. Here are some key points about the AONB:

Mission: The AONB's mission is to promote the profession of osteopathy in New Brunswick, provide support and resources to its members, and advocate for the interests of osteopaths in the province.

Objectives: The AONB's objectives include:

  1. Promoting the profession of osteopathy in New Brunswick
  2. Providing education and training opportunities for osteopaths
  3. Establishing and maintaining standards of practice for osteopaths
  4. Advocating for the interests of osteopaths in the province
  5. Providing support and resources to its members

Membership: The AONB has a membership of osteopaths who are licensed to practice in New Brunswick. Members must meet certain criteria, including completing a recognized osteopathic education program and passing a certification exam.

Services: The AONB provides a range of services to its members, including:

  1. Professional development opportunities, such as workshops and conferences
  2. Access to a network of osteopaths in the province
  3. Advocacy on behalf of osteopaths in the province
  4. Support and resources for members, including insurance and liability coverage
  5. A quarterly newsletter and online forum for members to connect and share information

Certification: The AONB offers a certification program for osteopaths who meet certain criteria, including completing a recognized osteopathic education program and passing a certification exam. Certification is voluntary, but it is recognized by the New Brunswick government as a mark of excellence in the profession.

Contact Information: The AONB can be contacted at:

Association of Osteopaths of New Brunswick P.O. Box 144, Fredericton, NB E3B 4Z5 Phone: (506) 454-4444 Email: [email protected] Website: